How to move in with cats when SO is allergic??

My SO and I want to move in together but I have two lovely indoor cats and he keeps refusing, citing his terrible cat allergy.

I tell him I can easily confine the animals to only my bedroom/bathroom half and the rest of the apartment is animal free, I can even treat it to remove all existing dander.

Or we can move into a bigger place together where there is no existing dander and again I keep the cats confined to one area only so he will never be directly exposed.

Mind you he's been fine whenever I spent the day with my cats and then came over to his place without changing clothes. No allergy symptoms from there but he's refusing to see that.

But he's a little dramatic, saying I'm putting his health at risk and wants me to get rid of the cats, which have been with me for seven years.

I won't do that, animals are a family replacement for me and he doesn't understand that at all.

I feel he's being a total drama queen because there's lots of couples who live together where one has an animal allergy.

Can you all give me options and advice I can present to him?

At the moment he's holding on to the idea that "all medical professionals say he shouldn't try living with cats". And he backs this up by saying his family hates cats also.

What are some real life options that worked for you?

I'm willing to find ways, but he's not willing to budge one bit.