Pregnancy after m/c help

Skylene • Married 4/24/16♥💍 8/18/17 Sophia ❤👣
So, me and my husband had a miscarriage with our first pregnancy February 7th 2016 and have recently become pregnant again, were 13 wks & some odd days. My husband has been trying to talk to me when I get emotional but I feel like it don't help because I just end up crying. I still don't feel like I'm pregnant, we heard the heart beat and had an ultrasound and everything's good but I still can't believe it's all coming from me and that were really going to have a living breathing baby this time. I'm constantly scared something's wrong or that somethings about to go wrong and it makes me so emotional and upset. I feel like I'm getting depressed every time I think about this baby we're about to have and I just want to know if any of you have had these feelings when you got pregnant after a m/c and if the feelings go away soon and that if there's anything I can do to ease my mind because I know getting upset isn't good for the baby but I can't help it.. I just want to be happy..