Chemical Pregnancy

Brittany • Chloe Elizabeth 7-30-13. Sophia Grace 10-15-15. Baby #3 09-20-16
The internet is an ugly thing for answers and without insurance ATM, its kind of hard to get into the doctor. I took a pregnancy test today at, according to Glow and another app, I'm only 7 DPO, and it came back as a faint positive. I have all the symptoms of being pregnant with the most aggravting one being that I have to pee every 20 minutes, literally! Lol. But, other than that, I've had very VERY light pale pink spotting that I notice when I wipe once for the entire day for the past 2 days, and very mild cramping in my abdomen, but more so on the left side even though its been occurring on both sides. I read that this could be a sign of implantation or chemical. What do you think? What were your signs if you had a chemical. My period isn't due for another 7 days, according to Glow.