Taking Tamiflu to prevent the flu?

So I dropped my 6 year old off at school on Monday. The school called and said he had a fever so his dad picked him up and kept him at his house. He checked his temp that evening and again in the am and it was normal, and he had no other symptoms so he went to school on Tues. Again he got a call saying he had a fever. He took him to the Dr to get him checked out, and it turns out he has the flu. I haven't been around him since Monday morning, and it being Tuesday evening and so far I have no symptoms. My Dr wants me to take Tamiflu for 10 days as a precaution. (Tamiflu is a class c drug). My question is what would you do in this situation? If I was exposed Monday morning or earlier, wouldn't I be showing symptoms by now if I was going to get it? Don't get me wrong, if I felt the beginning of any symptoms I would take it as I know the flu can be dangerous, but I also don't like to take unnecessary medications, especially when they are questionable as safe during pregnancy. Advice?