Choosing not to pump?

My baby boy is almost six weeks old and we've been exclusively breastfeeding and feeding on demand. My husband has been encouraging me to start pumping and storing milk in the freezer so he can help out with feedings and I can have some flexibility to be away from the baby if I want to run an errand, go to the gym, etc. I'm just wondering if it'd be worth the extra effort to pump, store milk, and get the babe used to a bottle when I can just pop him on my breast to feed him. I'm not going back to work, so that's not an issue, and I'm okay with not being away from the baby for extended periods of time. But my husband really feels that we should have some pumped milk on hand. What do you mamas think, is it necessary/important to have that option? Anyone else feel like it's easier to just stick to the boob?