How many Moms stay at home?

I went back to work full time when my daughter was 3 months but between daycare costs and being frustrated after work my Husband and i decided i should stay home now. We also have a 5 yr old who i feel i cant give the time she needs school wise because im rushing to wash dishes, cook, and then baths before bed. Im currently an Optometric Assistant and been with the Doctor 9yrs. My Husband is a truck driver and we can afford for me to stay home. We are paying $990- a month right now in daycare costs and i bring in about $1600 a month. I may be rambling lol but im so nervous and need some advice from ladies who have been in my position. Please and Thank you😘 p.s. I havent quit yet, i plan on talking to the Doctor this weekend and working till the end of May 2017

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