Is baby self-weaning? no more naps!

My son has been a horrible sleeper since he was born. I've been around many babies and I never met a newborn that pretty much was awake all day (and night).  Anyways, so around 6 months he started to sleep better and taking a couple 30min-1hr naps a day and waking up about three times a night. He is breastfed and would eat allllll day and night. Recently, he will latch on a couple minutes and scream and pull off. I put him down and he screams. He still wants me and will latch on, but then cry as if I'm forcing him. But it's him that does it. Seems like he's struggling with himself between not wanting the breast but needing it as comfort to sleep. So he just hasn't been napping. He's 11 months. Could he possibly be self-weaning already?? Have any of your babies begun to self-wean or have one that already did? Is this what it was like for you?