TTC and forgotten tampon (be warned TMI)


So basically me and my partner have been TTC for the past 3 months. My period ended about 5 days ago and I use tampons...

I thought to myself when we had sex did I leave it in.. but then I thought nah and left it and we had sex, and he didn't complain about anything either... so we have been having sex continuously the past 5 days...

Today I decided to feel for my cervix to see if I was near ovulation.. and I felt this weird thing inside me... I then got this sinking feeling that OMG it was a tampon and my gut feeling was right before that I had left it in...

So I have just removed it and I was nearly sick with the smell!!! 😷😷

Now I am bleeding a bit, that every time I wipe there is fresh new blood on the tissue and I'm now worrying...

Also because I knew I was ovulating and we were TTC because the tampon was still inside and pressing against my cervix I'm now thinking that the sperm had no way to reach my cervix and therefore this month has been a waste 😣

I feel so down now because of it.

I feel disgusted and sick by this and can still smell it and it's horrible!!

What should I do?

I actually have a doctors appointment tomorrow for another reason, maybe I should mention it also tomorrow whilst I'm there?

Sorry for this disgusting information I just need some advice.. this has never happened before, sometimes I leave it in for about half a day max, never this long...