my journey

Hi everyone, I wanted to tell my story 😃. I am 32 years old I have been blessed with 2 children, I have daughter and I have a son, to me they are perfect even though they both have disabilities. After my son was born 6 years ago we have been trying to conceive one more beautiful blessing, finally after 5 years got pregnant in October but unfortunately only made it to 6 weeks 5 days and then I had a miscarriage. I have had a total of 2 miscarriages and 1 ectopic pregnancy. I have PCOS and I was at a weight of 245lbs I knew I needed to lose weight and I have worked really hard and I am now 190lbs and still trying to lose more. Going to get back on fertility meds soon (excited about it). I am praying that this year I will get pregnant, it has been a very long, sad, emotional, happy, sad again, and stressful road. Hopefully I will conceive prayers needed thank you for taking the time to read my story. GOD bless all of you on your journey.