Need to vent

So yesterday our daughter had her first blood transfusion due to low hemoglobin. On our way to get the transfusion my husband called his parents and I called my dad. My dad couldn't get off work so he asked if I would ask my mother in law to go with me. I couldn't have my own mom go with because she passed away December 31st. Anyway I was glad to have my mother in law there she has been such a big help. My husband also called his dad his parents are divorced. Me and his dad do not get along he talks so bad about me to everyone. He obviously has favorites when it comes to his 2 grandkids. While I was pregnant he never asked how it was going he just pretended I wasn't pregnant even had the nerve to say it wasn't my husbands. Well he showed up at the hospital for her transfusion and I was pissed he has never made an effort to see her. His Facebook is filled with pictures of my niece that he has taken off of other people's pages but had 1 picture of our daughter and while he was there he would just ignore me if I tried to be nice and talk to him he would just act like I said nothing! I'm so pissed I don't want my kid feeling she is second best! Her step grandpa is more of a grandpa than her blood grandpa.