1 week struggles

Need some tips (long rambling ahead 🤦🏻‍♀️)
My baby was born 2/8, latched immediately. He was 8lbs 7 oz. 24 hours later he developed jaundice and had to receive light treatment.  He was on lights until hours before discharged on 2/12. They recommended supplement with formula during light treatment. We used a dropper or latched and use to syringe with wire to give the formula under recommendation of lactation nurses. My nipples are on flatter side so we latch using sandwich technique. 
Obgyn Nurse also recommended a pacifier since we couldn't hold our baby, she automatically inserted in his mouth without my consent. While in the hospital my breast were engorged and I pumped at least oz in one pump sitting but
since being discharged I feel my supply is decreasing. Now I'm barely getting that in multiple sittings.  I'm feeding him more breastmilk. He weighed 7 lbs 11 oz at 6 days old. 
He eats about every 2-4 hours, latches fine but once a while detaches and gets fussy but relatches.  We try to wake him when he sleeps to long to feed him (wake, diaper change, breast). He will fall asleep sometimes quickly into a feeding about 5 minutes or longer 20-30 minutes. We cut down to one formula feeding yesterday and 0 today. I had to give him pumped milk via dropper after breast tonight. No bottles and not worried about latch. 
Things I have taken in hospital and at home...
I'm taking my placenta pills,
Synthyroid (levels were checked 2/10 in hospital) lactation brownies with brewers yeast and flax seed, mothers milk tea, skin to skin
Things I have taken since been home but not in hospital
Prenatal, iron supplemental (ob dr prescribed it) and low dose of pain meds 1xday, lactation protein balls. 
Have been doing less skin to skin 😰 not intentional but harder to get him undressed and redressed vs. in hospital he was just in diaper and swaddled. 
I'm drinking more water at home, getting more sleep, not stressed, eating more, adding more lactation teas and oatmeal. I'm trying pump after feedings in morning since my breast are not as full in the evening and he eats more at night. 
I ordered fenugreek, I don't have a infant scale but going weigh myself without him and then with him before and after a feeding since his dr wants him back to his birth weight by Wednesday.
Im determined to succeed so I'm far from quitting at this moment. 
I would love any tips.