27 Weeks & Spotting

Taylor • Married❤️24❤️3 boys❤️#4 in 2022
Sorry Tmi...I've been bleeding on and off throughout this pregnancy. A few mins ago i felt a pool of blood drop onto my underwear through my skirt. But when i wiped there was no blood on the tissue just on my clothing.😥 Everytime i go to the hospital or triage they always brush it off and say my cervix is naturally bleeding. If anything touches it , i will spot. 😕 I believe its something more. I haven't had sexual intercourse since i was 2 months pregnant, I've been on bed rest and been taking progesterone pills to stop the bleeding, even had two steriod shots for my baby lungs. Nothing seems to stop the bleeding. My baby is still active and moving normally but I'm just worried. My partner was a preterm baby and was born at 7 months due to a cord wrapped around his neck. I'm just afraid something as scary as that will happen to my son. I just some need closure.😢