Court date next week

This will be long. I'm pregnant and when my husband found out back in Dec he wasn't happy. He wanted me to get rid of it. We argued daily and eventually he became abusive. I didn't tell anyone but my neighbor who heard everything told my mom a week later. I moved back with my parents and a week later moved everything out of the apt that was mine which was 90% of furniture etc. I filed a police report and pressed charges. He pressed counter charges against me. I left on Jan 2nd and I have not heard from him at all. No text no phone call nothing. A few days after I moved all my stuff out, I went back to the apt and saw he moved out too. No idea where he is. My lease was ending on Jan 31st so I told my landlord I won't be renewing it. Our court date is on Thursday. I hired an attorney. But I reaaaaalllllyyy don't wanna see my husband. I feel like he's a piece of shit. I might end up spitting on him or doing much worse. I'm nervous bec idk how this will go. I've never been in this situation before. Eventually I plan on filing for divorce. Just need some support