so exhausted and overly dramatic

So I am a SAHM. I love it and am so appreciative to have that opportunity, don't get me wrong. But it is a FULL time job and some days are easy peasy and some days seem like they aren't going to end. Well my Husband is a very hard worker. But every week he goes out (once a week) now that we have our child with us. I feel like he is always out whether it's work, play, errands , or his once a week outing. I feel so stuck at home and feel so helpless. I literally want to cry. Tonight is the night he went out, when I ask what time he will be home he says when I get home,.. I know he isn't doing anything stupid... but I just wish he was home spending time with his new born.. I have not been away from my new born for more then 3 hours total. I'm exhausted and I feel selfish and he makes me feel like I'm needy, but shit!!! I am! I'm tired and EBF is exhausting. Would you be mad? He is mad at me because he feels like I'm up his ass.. but it doesn't help that we have been arguing 😢so my question is how would you handle this? Am I being overly dramatic or would you all be upset too?