when to see a fertility specialist??

We've been trying 9 cycles now and have not had good luck. I got pregnant the first time after 3 months of trying. The second time after 4 months of trying but then miscarried and have not had any luck since. My husband had testicular cancer twice, had surgery the time and the second time chemo. All before we started to have a baby. I made him go get his sperm tested a year after treatment just to check and it was fine, not as high as it was before his surgery or chemo but fine the doctors said said. We were able to conceive after only 3 months of trying. I'm not sure what is going on now if it's me or him but we have not had any luck getting pregnant again. I know you're supposed to wait a year before contacting a fertility specialist but I feel like that is wasteing so much time! We've been trying for so long now I'm thinking something is going on. Has anyone else contacted a fertility specialist before one year of trying to conceive??