I think my MIL is worried my son will be dark

My son is half African American and half Mexican American and my Mother in law makes me feel like she is worried about him being "dark" she keeps making these little comments like "is his balls still black" (because they were at birth) and I said yes and she said "I'm going to need for them to be at least brown" and the other day she saw a picture of my niece when she first came out of the womb and she was really white like all babies are at birth but now she is 6 and she is a beautiful chocolate angel and my MIL said "who is that?" And I told her and she said "wow she was really light" and I said all babies are light at first and she said "not all I seen some dark newborns" and I said well my niece didn't get darker until later and she turn her face into a disgusting look and said "how much later" and I told her about how long and she still had that look and she said "oooh". Then she told me she spoke with my oldest sister in law and that my sister in law asked how my son is doing and she told him and she said that my sister in law made a comment that she bet my son is changing so much already and my mother in law said to me that she thinks my sister in law said that because she thinks my son is going to get darker and she thinks she meant it in a disgusting way. But in reality I don't think my sister in law meant it in that way my mother in law is the only one who seems to care so much about his skin color. It just makes me feel bad like why is that even a question who cares about what color he will be he will still be the same baby but it makes me not want to be around her or her around my son. Am I overthinking or does it seem like what I'm saying is real? 😞😞