he played me really good

Man i got played like a pianooooo ! 
So I met this guy a less than a year ago. The perfect guy ! You know what i mean: nice, polite, gorgeous smile, tall like la tour effeil, respectful, good job, mature, hot asf 👅 blablabla ( that just means he's good at playing games, i should have known better tho 😔). 
He lives 3h from my city but for months we kept texting and talking EVERY single day. Whenever i go to his city, we go on dates and all that. But then he became distant. Very distant. He stopped talking to me like he used to. I've pointed that to him because we went from talking on the phone for hours to "nada" ⁉️
Two weeks ago i was in his town and i asked him if he got someone because he was acting so oddly. I really had to insist for him to talk. ( f*** boy alert 📢 ). He said no, but he's seeing someone, they re not exclusive but he wants to be honest with me, he's not ready right now for a relationship, he needs to work on himself and all that bs they spit when they're not into you anymore.  😒
So I told him its better we stop talking cause i don't want to be part of a love triangle. And guys, he doesn't talk to me no more !!! 😮 😩😔 I didn't really mean " stop talking to me" ! ( after almost a year it's that easy for you ? Like really ?)
I feel like thats what he wants. Sad part is that i fell really bad for him during those months, and i didn't even realize it till two weeks ago. That guy took his time to compose the song man, he played me like a pro 🎹
I'm not asking for advices tho, i do know what to do: move on. But i need to talk about this. Anyone wants to share a story ? Who got played too ? ✋🏾👀
And btw, we had sex once.. or maybe twice 🙄 The guy lasted 2 damn minutes the first time 😒, but hmm those 120 seconds were interesting . I haven't had sex since that. He can leave but he needs to finish his job cuz i need to taste that d*** one more time 🙄💃🏾