So Lost on Thissssss 😭

Can't figure this out.... 
So I was under patches and my last period came 15/16th of January. My last patch cycle re-started on the 20th . I used it for the full week but when I was renewing it.. I thought.. "well.. f*ck it.. let us TTC". So I didnt wear the next one. Happenned that I bled again that week as a "second period" but actually just blood running down my Winnie without any of the normal symptons (no cramps, no tension, no mood swing, no hormones dancing inside my body). I researched a bit and apparently was my body compensating the sudden change.
So I then had intercourse on the 4th February. And again on the 14th. My period was suppose to come between the 11th and 14th just to give it a open window of +- 28 days.. but it didn't until now. I tested already three times.. last test was yesterday morning and it was straight negative (no faint line whatso ever - dollar store test - but I also did a ClearBlue Digital the afternoon before).
I have the symptons.. but can be also my mind just playing me. But for the note.. my period was always on time, super hiper regular 28d even when I was messing with my pills when younger. I never missed a period and I'm not under stress with anything, my health is better than years before.. 
I just can't figure out when should I test again.Â