started Gianvi birthcontrol, need advice please

Okay so my GYN prescribed me Yaz yesterday. I'm taking the generic version called Gianvi. I started my first pink pill yesterday and the second today at 2pm. But as I'm reading more about it. The package is saying to take the first light pink pill of the pack during the first 24hrs of your period... so does that mean exactly on my first day of my period?  Then it says if you start later than the first day of your period, you should use another method of BC as a back up method until you have 7 light pink pills. I'm not taking this for birthcontrol related reasons. I'm on this to help with my endometriosis. So  now I'm thinking I messed this up. I start my period in 8 days. Does anyone know if I should stop taking the pills and just start on the day of my first period day ? I'm just concerned bc then that leaves me with two less pink pills. I don't know what to do. It's Saturday and no doctors are available to help. I appreciate all advice given to me. Thank you!