TMI!! Rash? Allergy? Herpes? 32 weeks. (includes close photo of rash)

First again TMI TMI TMI. There IS a photo below. Cropped as close as I can to the rash, but if that freaks you out DONT LOOK. I just wanted an opinion since posting just in the TMI room didn't garner many responses. 
I needed an opinion on what this is and what to do about it. In the last 2 days several things happened that were both stressful and also "new" to my body:
1. Washer broke and bleach water spilled all over the floor. And I had to clean it. (I know it got all over my hands. Maybe more of me)
2. I used baby powder on my undercarriage hoping to help with sweat. 
3. Prior to baby powder I shaved (not unusual but possibly important since I could've nicked myself)
4. I've been under a lot of stress lately (32 weeks pregnant, hubby had surgery, lot on my plate) and sometimes stress can cause a herpes outbreak (I've had them before but never in this spot)
5. My labia has been swollen for weeks and I know I sometimes scratch in my sleep. I'd been not wearing underwear to bed to help "air it out."
So keeping all of those things in mind little spots in the shape of a 6 came up between my vagina and anus. At first, they weren't raised or blister looking. Just looked like circles of missing skin that made a "6."
Just in case, I got my acyclovir filled and started it. And I put neosporin on the spots after every potty break. 
By night one they looked slightly "raised" like a blister but still like an open wound, not closed over like a bump. 
I have TMI photos below of what it looked like yesterday morning when I found it, last night, today, and tonight. Anyone who wants to weigh in on a guess would be appreciated. And if you think it warrants a Drs visit, or if you think it'll just clear on its own. 
I cropped AS CLOSE as I could do you don't see my bits. But a little stray hair is visible, sorry.