Clairvoyant's Reading

Brooke • 💙 Ryley Dan 27.01.18 🩵 Darcy Jay 18.05.21
Some may not believe in mediums and clairvoyants but I definitely do so please if u don't agree please don't comment negatively.
My mother in law went to see a clairvoyant the other day and then told my husband what she had said... to my disappointment it was about us conceiving.
The clairvoyant told her that we wouldn't be able to conceive naturallyand we would need fertility help and because of this it won't be until next year and we would have twins... 
now I don't ever dwell on what they say we create our own destiny but it still really hit home when every clairvoyant I've seen has told me I may have trouble and I would have twins.
We both have no twins in the family so I do believe that if I did it would be because of <a href="">ivf</a>.
Most of the reason we'll have trouble is because my husband had a testicle removed few years ago and they thought it was cancer, and the one that's left is descended and wasn't found and operated on until he was 5 so it doesn't produce sperm or testosterone well...
I wish she hadn't have told us, she's always gone on about how he'll have trouble and I just brushed it off and tried to stay positive... it's a huge kick in the guts when I am so positive about it all
it's really put a dampener on TTC I don't even wanna try this month or track my cycles....
and I just feel so down and out about it!
Mainly because our bodies can't do what they are born to do and the other is fianace <a href="">IVF</a> in Australia is the best part of $10-15,000 up front per cycle which would use up most of our savings in 1 cycle which then means we have none to use if I was to take 12 months off to stay home and so I would then have to go back to work which I really don't want to do, take out a loan or access our super. 
I will do my best to stay positive and "not try" as everyone keeps telling me... 
Baby dust to all xx 😘