
So the other about a month ago my ex boyfriend came over to talk to me and we ended up talking but then he kissed me and it progressively became more and more and we had sex. It was 4 days before I was even fertile and he pulled out and I pulled away to prevent anything getting near me so all of it went on my blanket. I remember reading that about 4-5 days before your fertile window it's like less than 5% chance of getting pregnant (I think) but my period has been late for about two days. And I've been having some prettibn strong cramps very much like the ones I get before and when I'm on my period. But I've having this clear discharge it's not really a lot but it like dries white on my underwear and it comes out clear and not really thick at all, it's mostly watery. So does  that mean I'm pregnant? Like is it possible? 
( ps: I'm also 16 and a little nervous. Like my period has been late before, once it was late by a whole month and I took pregnancy test and they were all negative and I remember that time I had sex 3 days before my fertile window and we used the withdrawal method but I also pull back, force of habit. But again if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it 💖)
UPDATE: my period started today yay!