
Bee • Mommy™️, mother of two, fiancée, Baby 3 due 6/8, its a girl! 💗💗💗
I just want to get this off my chest because it's irritating and I've already complained to my family a lot. 
I think my OB doctor might be an idiot. When she first did an ultrasound she said I was 9 ish weeks. Based on babies size... I'd say that's not likely. She also saw a second sac and didn't check it.
It's also not likely I was only that far because based on my positive test I was ten weeks and a few days. It wasn't really possible for us to have gotten pregnant later than that, making the gestational age lower. 
Also, I'm huge. I mean I'm literally very big and didn't start out as a big person. I grewpretty  fast, and now I'm just really big for them to think I'm only 14 weeks now. 
Aside from all this, she went to Africa for a couple weeks. She is also my friends doctor and my friend is having a high risk pregnancy and the baby could come at any time and she leaves the country. Who does that?
I'm including my most recent belly photo and the ultrasound from when she though I was only 9 weeks. 
Anyone else have a doctor that they felt was maybe just a litttttttle bit incompetent?