Treated myself

Caitlyne • Bonus mom to 2💜💙 Bio mom to 1 💜
Got my fingers and toes done yesterday. 
Definitely well needed. 
Baby girl is due in 2 days and I'm honestly so miserable right now! 
This mix of 24/7 discomfort and pain, mixed with the period cramping, heartburn and lightning crotch, not to mention feeling like my pelvic bone has been beat by 50 baseball bats, and the whole not know when she's going to come, has got me going crazy!! 
And then all my <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> are asking me if she's been born yet... STOP IT! It's not helping! 
And then everyone asking me how I'm feeling -_- I know they're being nice, but stop! I feel like I'm going to be feeling like a god damn beached whale forever! 
Still no baby and my sanity is duds appearing!