Tiny rant

Taylor • Inexperienced.

I am a bartender, one of two full time leads. We have three alternates, one of whom has one shift that starts at 6 on Saturday when I get off. He's away, and nobody wanted his shift. So I worked 16 hours yesterday. I get to work between 14-16 hours today, and up to 13 Tomorrow. I am so tired. My feet are so dead. But I made nearly $500 in tips... Its funny, the more sassy I get the higher tips I get.

Anyway, last night I had to cut off several people (5) and none of them took it lightly. I got yelled at, I was told the only reason I cut someone off was because I don't like myself, and I was sworn at. It kind of pisses me off. I shouldn't have to explain to people the law more than twice. It is illegal to serve people who are already intoxicated.