super dizzy and nauseous!! PLEASE HELP!!!

Hi everyone!! I'm hoping to get some opinions or answers of some kind. I'm so scared, worried, and confused!! So I have a 6 year old and my husband and I have been ttc for 3 years. I have pcos and I don't get periods or ovulate. (With my 6year old we got pregnant right away!!) We had been doing clomid for many cycles with my OB/gyn without success of ovulating and finally decided to go to a fertility specialist last October. I did 2 rounds or letrozole and we found out we were pregnant on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. We thought everything was perfect until Jan 5. I had a miscarriage and we lost our little angel baby. It's been so hard. Definitely the worst thing in this world for me. My doctor said that even though it's bittersweet we at least know we can get pregnant again. So after that I haven't had a period so I just finished my round of provera to induce my period and I usually start 5 days after but it's only been 3 and I woke up soooooooooo dizzy today and from the dizziness I've been vomiting. I'm not pregnant but I was wondering if anyone has had this happen to them? Thanks in advance. (I called my fertility specialist but it's closed on Sunday's and I believe they only call back if it's a total emergency)