Horrible anxiety after miscarriage

Elizabeth • 27🌼Happily married❤

Hey everyone..

I had a miscarriage last Saturday/Sunday (12th).. it was pretty early as when I had my first appointment on the 7th they said it was measuring at just about 6 weeks.

I'm incredibly thankful to even have conceived as my husband and I had been trying for 2ish years with another (super early) miscarriage in February of 2015. We had no luck and when I went to the obgyn at the end of 2016 it was determined that I have a pituitary tumor and I started taking cabergoline for it. I was told that I may get pregnant within the first month, but honestly didn't believe it. I started taking it Dec 17 and got my period Dec 21st.. LH surge on Jan 8th and felt ovulation twinges Jan10th.. positive test Jan19th much to my surprise!

I called up the doctors to find out whether I should continue the cabergoline or stop taking it once I found out that I was pregnant. I was told to keep taking it until my first appointment to make sure everything was okay.

I feel like this miscarriage was my fault because I stopped taking the cabergoline Feb3rd (I was taking it biweekly, Tuesdays and Fridays) so my last one was on the Friday before my appointment.. I figured I would continue taking it if needed but everything looked great at my appointment on that Tuesday (7th).. we picked up a heartbeat of 114 and made another appointment for 2 weeks (Tuesday 21st).

Unfortunately, I ended up having a miscarriage at some point Saturday the 11th and passed it early Sunday morning so at that point I had missed 2 doses of my medication..

I was totally worried about this from the beginning as some people were saying to stop the cabergoline immediately and then I also found out that high prolactin levels (caused by the pituitary tumor) can suppress progesterone and cause miscarriage which I'm starting to think is what happened though we may never find out 😔

Either way.. I've been having really bad anxiety for the past week. I wish I could make time go by faster and my next follow-up appointment isn't until April 4th.. it's seriously killing me and even though I was only pregnant for just under 7 weeks I miss it so much 😔 I'm just glad to know that the cabergoline helped me to get pregnant and sustain the pregnancy even if only for a short while when we never thought it would happen..

Sorry for writing a novel, but it beats all of the hyperventilating and crying I've been trying to keep myself from lately