What was your symptoms first month on the pill? 12 hour window combination pill? Two weeks after birth control, he came in me


So today is my last active pill! Ive been feeling gassy, bloated, i got mild cramps, everything i feel before i start a period although i feel i little tingly on the breasts... Have you experienced changes of PMS on the pill? I really feel like my period is about to start! I hope i get it tomorrow.

And my Doctor said i can have sex after 7 days of pill.

Although after 16 days on the pill he came in me and later that night i was late for a pill for 10 hours after the sex... Could i have conceived during those 10 hours?

Read a lot of articles on the net that theres a 12 hour window in taking pills and that youre good if took it within 12 hours. I didnt really ovulate based on my Vaginal Mucous, never had a egg white and i have every month and this month i didnt i was soooo dry.

Can you share your experience with the first month on the pill?