stomach issues on the pill

I need some help. Last Sunday (Feb. 12th) I started a new pack of pills. I've been taking Beyaz since last August. Before I took my pill on the 12th, I had terrible diarrhea. I didn't think much about it because it was before my first pill and I didn't have any issues right after taking it. The next day, the 13th, I had a loose stool but it wasn't bad like Sunday's. I took my pill that day at my regular time and didn't have any stomach issues after taking it. Then, Tuesday (Valentines Day), I had a loose stool that morning and then that night about an hour I took my pill, I had really bad diarrhea like Sunday. It's was the type where it literally felt like liquid coming out. I just wanted to see if anybody in here has had stomach problems like this before and if that pill (the third pill in my pack on Tuesday) would be considered missed. I called my OB's nurse and she said I would be fine, but I read so many things and some websites are saying I won't be protected. Please help!