Renee • Wife 💍, birth mother to one sweet and sassy 6 year old girl, bonus mom to my preteen daughter 🩷🩷 TTC baby # 3 after 🌈, 34 years old
Men have told me that I have a "smart mouth" since I was a teenager. I used to think that it was just a personal issue with weak men that felt like they couldn't control me. I am very strong willed, opinionated, stubborn, and the type of woman that always has a comeback. It's not something that I am proud or ashamed of, it's just my personality. I've been sassy and sweet for as long as I can remember. Well now my smart moth is affecting my relationship. My bf and I have been together for a few years now and in the beginning he seemed to like that I was quick witted, sarcastic, and didn't take any shit. Well now he's not as pleased about it. He constantly tells me that I need to "watch my mouth" or "not talk to him like that". But in all honestly, most of the time I don't see a problem with what I say/said. I'm usually defending myself or just responding to his attitude. I feel like now he wants me to be soft spoken & submissive & not give him any lip when he says things. But that's just not me!! I've tried to be that woman and it doesn't work for me. I have calmed down a lot and I'll say  a lot of things in my head instead of out loud now but he stills says I have a smart mouth and that I'm disrespectful 😞 I want to marry this man but I don't know how to deal with this. Is he just trying to control me? Do I change my personality to please him? Any advice