Still story

Allison • 37 yr old, married my best friend 8.4.12, missed miscarriage 9.17.14, rainbow baby boy born 11.7.15, angel baby boy 11.3.17 at 22 weeks, chem pregnancy 6.4.18, rainbow baby boy #2 born by csection 3.19.19, forever healing
First off, I am so sorry you are all dealing with this. I truly feel that women who have been through this type of loss are the only people who fully understand the complex emotions that a miscarriage and d&c procedure bring.  I have only found comfort in talking to and surrounding myself around those who have experienced such a loss. Others, although sorry for me, I feel just don't completely "get it".
On 9/17/14, We found out that my baby did not have a heartbeat at my first regular prenatal visit at 8.5 weeks. It came as a huge and horrible surprise and my husband and I were devastated. I felt pregnant, with many symptoms and besides some very light brown spotting for a few days early on, I had no indication that anything was wrong. I decided to let nature run it's course and hoped my body would naturally miscarry. Almost a whole month later, with no sign of miscarriage, I was told it couldn't wait any longer. I had a d&c on 10/15/14. (Amazing that I found out the next day that 10/15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day!!) 
The recovery was really ok...exhaustion, not much spotting and very minor cramping but emotionally, I'll be honest, is another story. The immediate change in hormones effected me greatly...leaving me in a weepy emotional mess for a few days straight. As days went on, emotions and tears would hit me often and at random times and also when I least expected it. I think it will be like that for a still is.
My heart goes out to those who have dealt with this kind of's pain like no other and such a taboo, unspoken, "secret" pain which makes it that much harder to deal with. Although I don't think we will ever forget these last few months, I do hope that these painful memories lead to more happy memories in the near future...for all of us!! 
Take care!