Daughter/Dad Relationship Advice

I don't know what category this fits in but looking for some advice or stories. My daughter is 8 (almost 9) and her biological father has never really been involved in her life besides family holiday get together a (when she was much younger) and that was only because I would take her to visit his family, she's always had a relationship with them. Last year, he filed for custody. Let's just say I live in PA and at least here the custody laws are so messed up. They do not look out for the best interest of the child, or at least they haven't in my case! Anyway, does anyone have any GOOD or POSITIVE stories of their father not being involved until you were only older in life? My daughter hates going with her father, she says she hates him and can't wait for the day she can decide to never talk to him again. She does not call him dad. I understand things are still early but I don't see any positive change in the future.... now, I don't blame her, he never wanted to be involved before and even now, he's not in it for the right reasons and my daughter sees that. He pretty much gets her on his time, brags about it, refuses to allow her to talk to me when she's with him (takes her phone so we can't communicate) and doesn't try anything to build a relationship with her. Any thoughts or advice are greatly appreciated. It's extremely hard watching my daughter go through so much unnecessary pain at such an early age 😢