I feel like my husband is mad at me because we are having a son.

Okay, so let me start off by saying my husband and I have two daughters. We were sure we would only ever have daughters because his mom had 4 boys and for 19 years only boys were born in their family and then the girl generation started and there have been only girls for the last 8 years .. until now. We are having a son and I'm 16 almost 17 weeks along. We are 100% sure it's a boy. I was over the moon because I've always wanted a son, I love my daughters but they cling to their daddy and I'm really really close to my brothers and wanted a son. I thought he would be too because with our first daughter he was slightly disappointed she wasn't a boy. So we find out and he tells me that he had his heart set on 3 girls and a boy more or less scares him and he is afraid he will let him down (my husband is a great man so unlikely, he's just over analyzing). Well ever since that conversation he's been very moody and cranky towards me, and I'm not sure how to handle it or be there for him when I'm so happy and excited. He even made a comment to one of our friends that I've been in a great mood since we found out it's a boy. How have you ladies dealt with your partners gender disappointment? I know when the baby comes it will change immediately but I don't know if I can take 24 weeks of his attitude 😂
Edit- This is not a post to bash my husband. He is a great, hard working man who does so much for us to make sure I can stay home and take care of our daughters (5&2). I really just need insight on how to help him through his anxiousness and get him excited for a boy. A boy that he always dreamt of having until he had girls who idolize him. He's a very hands on dad and spends every free moment with me and our girls.