On my nerves. 😡

Morgan • •Single mom to two amazing little girls 💞👩‍👧‍👧•
So I miscarried my first last sep. at 14w, and am now almost 12w with my sweet rainbow. My husband and I couldn't be happier 💕 and I was talking with my grandma, and mentioned how annoying the hormonal acne was, cause I've had some bad break outs with the first as well as now haha. And she replied "well, you already know how to solve that problem don't you?" And laughed at me.. 😡😓 it stung pretty bad. I know it's been a couple months, but even if it's been years, don't you dare mock me about my miscarriage. Seriously upset with her 😓 Anyone else had someone make jokes out of their miscarriage?