is it possible to ovulate twice with no period?

I've been tracking my cycles and ttc since Sept '16. My cycles are all over the place and I am using the <a href="">glow app</a> along with ovulation predictor kits to help find some patterns. Many of you are basically experts at this and I would like some advice. My first cycle lasted 81 days and I had a positive test for ovulation on cycle day 19 and cycle day 48 (29 days past my first ovulation). I did not have my period in between the ovulations. My next cycle was 31 days with ovulation on cycle day 23. My current cycle is at 48+ days. I ovulated on cycle day 15 and again on day 47 (32 days past my first ovulation). Again no period between ovulations. I have taken many pregnancy tests and I am not pregnant. Can anyone explain what is going on? I did make an appt with a well known OB/women's specialty Dr but he was booked until June. Hoping for a cancellation so I can get answers sooner!