feeling kinda bad

I know I'm a good mom, but I know people and see posts of others having such a hard time leaving their babies and crying about it or not being able to leave them at all yet. But it makes me feel bad cause it's easy for me to leave him. He's 2 months we've left him with grandma twice and I've left him with my husband once to go out for a few. And I ended maternity leave a few weeks back and either grandma or hubby watch him. I miss him but have no problem leaving him it's nice to get away for a bit and have a break, especially cause till I went back to work I felt like I was doing it on my own, husband works long hours comes home tired helps an hour or 2 then I'm on duty all night and all day, I don't complain cause he also has health problems and needs his rest but dam it's hard! I just feel like I'm the only one that doesn't have a problem leaving my baby and this has been making me feel like a bad mom lately. Agh just needed to vent a little.. but am I the only one??