After a membrane sweep at 4:00pm Monday Tuesday at 3:19am experiencing contractions  every 5 mi...

After a membrane sweep at 4:00pm Monday Tuesday at 3:19am experiencing contractions  every 5 minutes. Got to the hospital & I requested an epidural at 3:00pm contractions were coming very strong. At 8:40pm baby didn't seem to wanna come out was informed I will be sent in for a c section in 20 minutes but at 9:05pm babies head was coming down so I began to push almost every minute she made her appearance at 9:20pm weighing 6lbs & 15 oz & meansuring at 20 inches. After experiencing labor for the first time I can honestly advice all woman do not give up your body knows what to do & everything depends on how much you're willing to push your body .. it'll be worth it all when you hear that cry & they throw them on your chest ..