8 bloody negative tests later I finally got my positives

8 bloody negative tests later I finally got my positives! Not just one but 3 tests all said positive. I was so sad the first 2 months cause AF kept arriving, so I decided to not track anymore for the 3rd time. And I didn't until today cause my hubby and I have been sick from a cold or something and my friend pointed out that maybe I'm not sick maybe it's cause I'm pregnant. So I went jokingly into the bathroom around 6:30pm yesterday before going out to watch a movie with the hubs and as the purple color started to go through the test I saw 1 like and then 2 appeared and I thought I had line eyes so I look at it once it's cleared and bam 💥 a clear positive! I was just trying to prove them wrong but nope I was the wrong one. I am so happy! And we only BD 4 times this month. I just hope hope hope that it sticks! First time mom over here so I hope everything works out. No wonder my hubby has had nausea and my friend dreamt of a baby. 😂 I'm nervous but super excited.