

My daughter will be 2 in April and I feel like every winter she gets a cold that lasts until spring comes.

When it first happened I thought it was an allergy to our roommates dog because he wasn't very good at taking care of it for a few months.

Then he moved out around Springtime and she was better but it's winter again and she's back to having a continuous cold.

Her symptoms are a runny nose and a loud cough that definitely produces phlegm.

I took her to the dr just before I had my 2nd baby in January and her Dr said that her lungs are clear and it's just a cold.

She told me to use a bulb syringe and saline but it barely gets anything out. She also told me to use a cold humidifier but I read online that its only helpful if it's a dry cough or she is congested so that isn't helpful. I've been using Vicks and that seems to help if she is coughing a lot.

I'm hoping that someone has used probiotics with their toddler and had any success? I figure if I can't cure her cold, I could at least prevent it. Winter is almost over so I can use it for next time.