Nexplanon Victim


So I have had Nexplanon for a little over a month now. And i know the warnings say the hormones will affect all women differently. And to any girl out there who is in the market for birth control, here is my FIRST MONTH on nexplanon.

First, the bruise i got from it was uggglllyyy. But it didn't hurt. I read that some women's bruise/scar will be very sore. Mine wasn't.

Second, i had JUST ended my period the DAY i had the Nexplanon inserted. And literally, NOT A WEEK LATER i got my period. I am normally a very heavy bleeder, but this period was very light ( in comparison). I usually have to change my pad/tampon several times a day. This time, the blood i had each day didnt even need more than 2 pads a day, i mean it was a LIGHT period.

Then, my period ended. And within the same month, i got it AGAIN. This one was a liiitttlllle heavier that the first period i got. Maybe 3 or 4 pads a day. (My normal heavy period requires 5 or more a day). THIS PERIOD LASTED 2 WEEKS.


Towards the end of this period, it seemed to be dragging it was light spotting, and it was brown and it smelled bad....

After it was no longer colored, i went back to my normal discharge.

So I thought.

In between periods i have clear, or white discharge, and typically it doesn't smell. If it does, its veeeeerrryyy faint. I know its normal, all women are different.

When this long period ended, my discharge was still white, but it was i was having a lot of it....and it smelled bad! Like embarrassingly, i thought everyone around my could smell it (especially my poor boyfriend). So i started to buy so <a href="">Eve</a> feminine hygine products that helped...very little...(no offense <a href="">Eve</a> or her products. It's not you!!!!)

Anyway, this morning, i got my period AGAIN. BLED RIGHT THROUGH MY UNDERWEAR.

I mean i pretty sure I'm in a nightmare.

I'm not gonna lie, i had high hopes that it was lessen my period. But as of right now ive have about 3 periods in a two month time not exactly happy......

This was just my 1/2 month experience with nexplanon.