
So I'm 40+2 and not dialated at all. My dr had scheduled my induction to begin this Sunday st 8pm. I will be 40+6 then. I'm nervous about it not working and result in a c-section. All the women in my family have late babies. I was born at 42 weeks then my mom was induced with both brothers at 41 weeks which went well. However my grandma was telling me, she was induced at 41 weeks with her 3rd baby and she wouldn't come so they stopped and my aunt was born a week later. Then that aunt said she was induced at 41 weeks but the pitocin didn't work and she ended up with a c-section. Has anyone begun to be induced but baby wasn't ready do the dr let them go home and wait or were you given a c section? I need some positive stories to reduce my anxiety. Thanks ladies :)