Hope for verbal/emotional abuse?

I'm in a relationship with someone who I had adore very dearly. At the start he was very loving but as his family (death), financial and career situation start to crash, so has his temper. He had a very intense history, dad died when he was young and evidently I do feel very so that he has lost his second last loved one. 
I grew up with a verbal abusive father (he's good now) but I carried his habit to the start of this relationship. I'm aware of my wrong and am on a slow but steady recovery. My partner holds grudges of my early passive abuses and would randomly have flash back of how hurtful I am and start calling me a "btch". He forces me to admit I'm a bitch, a liar, doesn't allow me to speak, calls me a demon and say he's only doing it because I had hurt him. Tells me he doesn't care and I can go find someone else, then tells me he simply need me. Asks why id hurt him in the first place.
I have my boundaries now. Told him I won't tolerate the toxic.  I'm seeing him this week to work things out and suggest therapy.  I manage to recover myself hence I'm more forgiving...Has anyone been in my situation but had good outcome?