Haley • I love to sing and i think that all should be equall. I am often told i am more mature then other 13 year olds. I love to listen to Melanie Martinez and Halsey. My favorite color is black.

I am 13 years old and i have anorxia, depression, and anxiety. I cut and i was three days clean until tonight. I do not cut deep enough to scar but enough to draw blood. I was wondering if there are any coping methods that helped anyone.

If you do cut

-please use a clean utensil

-please try to stop i know its hard but try

-Remember that relapse is apart of recovery. It is normal just try to stop

-It is ok to take mental health breaks if you feel overwhelmed

- I know its difficult but you do not deserve the pain. You do not need to hurt yourself. Everyday look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and smart and amazing. Please try to stop and get the help you need. I hope this helped.

If you need to hear this today

-you are strong

-you are kind

-you are beautiful

-I care for you

-you are wonderful

-you can get better

If you ever want to talk my Instagram is haley.k17