help me

So for years now I been trying to get over my sexual abuse, its hard because its from my brother. It was the first time but not the last. Long story short I tried telling my parents after he did it and they didn't believe me so here 8 years later I finally just stopped letting him be around me because i was afraid to not say yes and I have children now Well my parents have been trying to get me to talk to him about it and they don't understand nor do they care about how I feel. My mom said i need to stop living in the past and then she on purpose invited me over one day and invited him without telling me!!! So not only am I having to relive it everyday i had to come face to face with him again to cut my wound he apologized for the first time! He's schizophrenic so I thought maybe he didn't know what he did till one of my friends asked him and he said he remembers which is why im so discussed to even think about but anyway please give advice on what to do. This is what