Anyone ever have a dream that scared the crap out of you?

Lexi • 19 years old/ Insta: lexihedlof

Idk if everyone has deja vu, but I tend to have it A LOT.

Ill sit there n be like "I've done this before" n it could be a dream I had 3 years ago.

Well maybe 4 or 5 years ago I had a dream I had to be put on an oxygen tank. I used to be friend with this guy in 3rd grade so about 11ish years ago.. his grandma was put on a oxygen tank and I always worried I would need that at a young age, and one time it was failing to give me oxygen and I can't remember if I died or was taken to the hospital bc when the tank wasn't working, I woke up.

But I'm 19, I'm just scared something bad is gonna happen to me and I'm gonna need to be on an oxygen tank..

Anyone else have these dreams before? Like dreams that you feel will come real?

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