I'm not crazy am I? had edibles and I was going insane please no rude comments

I'm not addicted to smoking weed or using edibles at all it's only once in awhile and it's very rare this was the second time I did it. I'm 4'8 and I'm very petite with a small frame. I got the cereal bar and a lollipop I took 3 or 4 bites and I finished the whole lollipop. I was with my boyfriend and it started to hit me like maybe 2 hours later. Yes it was a happy high at first but then a few hours later I started to feel a little weird. I kept asking my boyfriend am I going to die like repeating the same question and I was freaking out thinking was I going to die. I remember my boyfriend kept telling me to calm down and relax but I couldn't. I kept imagining things like there was a oxygen mask over my face so I can breathe I heard people talking like trying to save my life. I lost a baby back in December so I thought I was gonna go to heaven to see Jesus and my baby. I kept asking where's my mom or my sister is my boyfriend going to die too I don't know I was just to much etc I thought I was a dead spirit walking around his apartment he told me I was screaming call 911 I was just halusinating and I would never in my life act like this first time I did edibles it wasn't this bad I snapped out of it but this time it was so bad he told me I was about to run out of his apartment who knows what I would of done I really thought I was dying until he gave me some water asking me questions and then I snapped out of it but glad he kept me safe is that even normal?😔