36 weeks 4 days

Is anyone else just starting to feel super depressed? I had to stop taking my anxiety medicine at 34 weeks, I'm gestational diabetic, and I've been on bed rest and put on labetalol 200 mg x2 a day. I'm so depressed. I've been hospitalized twice, the doctor won't tell me what they plan on doing whether it's going to be early delivery or just keep on waiting until it's too late. Me and my boyfriend are fighting constantly, I don't know if it's my hormones or if he has actually just been a dick. I feel like he's miserable with me and at our house and miserable with having to do everything. I'm starting to get really bad anxiety about giving birth and becoming a new mom. I'm scared to lose my SO. I'm scared that I'm not going to do everything right. I'm scared of everything and I don't know if how I'm feeling is normal. Do any other mommy's feel similar or have any helpful advice? No bashing please.