is this just really bad luck or is something wrong?

I got pregnant my first try at 31. Textbook perfect pregnancy, delivery was another story. Fast forward 4 years and I started trying again this past may. Got pregnant again the first try and it ended up being a chemical and my period was 3 days late.
Got pregnant again late August and when I went for my 9.5 week checkup found out I had twin blighted ovums and my body was not going to let them go, so I had a D&C at the end of October.
Got pregnant again in early feb, my lines got really dark and by week 5 they started to get lighter and I miscarried at 5.5 weeks( not sure if this is Technically a chemical).
Is there something wrong with me? My doc won't refer me to a specialist until I have 3 clinical miscarriages which technically I've only had one. Is it just shitty luck? I've been taking my vitamins religiously for 3 months. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to add his cycle I ovulated on cd21 which is really late for me considering I have a 28 day cycle. So I think my luteal phase was too short to implant properly. But I'm beginning to think I'm never gonna get my rainbow.