Venting about my partner's insensitive comments

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

I've been suffering from a rash all over my entire body (except for my face thankfully) and just last night my fiance got home from work as I was feeding our daughter a bottle (exclusively pumping due to health concerns) and he says to me

"why are you so tired?"

Wellllll between you coughing all night and hogging the fucking bed, this god damn rash that makes me want to fricking filet myself, and our one month old daughter wanting to eat every 2 hours at night and then taking an hour to fall back asleep...

I've been getting less sleep than the first week home! 😣

And THEN he took it further by saying "what do you even do all day besides take care of the baby and the dog?"

And then I went to bed and cried myself to sleep (for an hour before dd had to get up and eat again)

That hurt my feelings so bad and made me feel like I'm not good enough. The first week home I did a LOT of house work bc our dd slept literally all day. But it started to get to be too much for me so I stopped doing so much. I still have to do bottle dishes 3x a day and laundry at least twice during the week..

So yah, I take care of our daughter - diaper, feed and burp every 2-3 hours, that takes an hour roughly and then I have to pump so that she can eat again later.. that takes about half an hour. I let the dog out before I even get to go to the bathroom in the morning so he doesn't pee on the floor again. And then maybe after 3 hours of being up and about (not just awake but actually up) just maybe then I can get breakfast or a coffee. But yeah,what do I even do all day? And why am I so tired? 😑