husband waiting for birthday sex but he's drunk

My husband and I were planning a nice romantic and intimate night in to celebrate his birthday but he's so trashed right now that all I want to do is run and hide. He's literally tripping over his feet, got a major case of hiccups, slamming doors, putting on lights shutting them off them putting them on again in our sons room and being so nasty in general because he knows he's not getting any. First of all, that's a turn off and I'm sorry but No thank you, I'm not going to be a piece of ass for you just because it's your bday. Now he's saying he's surprised I even remembered his birthday, and I'm "f$@king amazing" while laughing, "it's all good, no worries", "blame it on the drinking, what a lame excuse", "congrats on being on top with your ego"
Its amazing how when under the influence,  things get spun around and it the end, everything is the sober persons fault. And tomorrow morning they will act like nothing happened. Yet here I am feeling very hurt. lonely and sad tonight 😔💔